de bluedogcity

de bluedogcity Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Bluedogcity Marvellous Michelle For Brave Spirit jeune championne

Actualité publiée le 16/07/2017

de bluedogcity - Bluedogcity Marvellous Michelle For Brave Spirit jeune championne

I`m over the moon today)

16.07.2017 Specialty Russian SBT Club Show

Bluedogcity Marvellous Michelle For Brave Spirit - CW, SBT Club Ch candidate, Best junior of breed!

16.07.2017 National Dog Show in Novosibirsk, Russia  

BDC Marvellous Michelle For Brave Spirit - CW, JCAC, Best junior of breed! And became a Junior Champion of Russia!! 

My gratitudes to honourable judges Elzbieta Chwalibog (Poland) & Prozorov Dmitrij (Russian Federation) for the high estimation of my silver girl Misha, she did a good job today!